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by fusion enterprises

Bold Organic Stars

Fashion Forecast

the freshest fits for the Freshest Days

What is Fashion Forecast?

Fashion Forecast is an innovative mobile application that uses advanced AI to curate your very own digital wardrobe and suggest the perfect outfit for each day. Through easy-to-use tools, you can upload your clothes, enabling the app to learn your style preferences and align them with real-time local weather data for optimal outfit selection. The AI-based recommendation engine goes beyond simply matching clothes to weather conditions—it also considers the latest fashion trends, your daily schedule, and the occasion. Streamline your dressing process and ensure you're always stylish and weather-appropriate with Fashion Forecast, your ultimate fashion companion.

Available on August 4th

App Store

Play Store

Kids and teens

love Fashion Forecast

"Fashion Forecast is super cool! I took pictures of all my clothes and now it tells me what to wear based on the weather. No more sweaty days wearing a sweater when it's too warm!"

- Lucas Immerman, 14 years old

"I love using Fashion Forecast! It's like playing dress-up, but with my real clothes. Now I can always look trendy for school, rain or shine."

-Grayson Boncher, 10 years old

"Fashion Forecast is so much fun! It helps me pick the best outfits for my clothes. Plus, mom is happy I'm dressing appropriately for the weather now."

- Daniel Ko, 13 years old

Contact Us


(646) 300 0009
